Mayrianti Annisa Anwar, Suprihatin Suprihatin, Nugroho Adi Sasongko, Mukhamad Najib, Bono Pranoto, Irman Firmansyah, Erni Septiarsi Soekotjo
Cleaner and Responsible Consumption
Publication year: 2025


Multilayer plastic waste is currently a significant environmental problem in Indonesia, because this waste is classified as difficult to degrade naturally and difficult to recycle. Until now, there has been no effective management strategy for managing this waste. This study utilizes the Multi-Aspect Sustainability Analysis (MSA) framework to assess the sustainability of multilayer plastic waste management in Indonesia, addressing environmental, economic, social, legal, and infrastructure factors. MSA was chosen over other frameworks due to its adaptability to local contexts and its holistic view, making it well-suited to analyze Indonesia’s unique waste management challenges. The methodology includes in-depth interviews, scenario planning, and expert panels, integrating qualitative and quantitative insights from various stakeholders. Key goals are to identify priority areas for improvement and develop actionable strategies that enhance recycling effectiveness and align with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies. Results indicate that advanced recycling technologies, such as chemical recycling, and stronger institutional collaboration are essential. The highest leverage was found in government support, public awareness, and efficient waste infrastructure, which significantly impact sustainability outcomes. This study concludes that policy reforms, technology investments, and stakeholder engagement are critical to building a sustainable waste management system aligned with Indonesia’s environmental and economic goals.


  • Sustainability
  • Multilayer Plastics
  • Waste Management
  • Multi-Aspect Sustainability Analysis