Opening Remark : Rokhmin dahuri, Medrilzam. Editor : Irman Firmansyah. Authors : Santosa, M. Arif Kamal, Wied Wiwoho Winaktoe, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra, Widhianthini, Pipin Noviati Sadikin, Addin Aditya, Titik Respati, Waluyo Hatmoko, Ardhi Rasy Wardhana, Arzyana Sunkar, Didi Nuryadin, Lukmanulhakim Almamalik, Bagus Sumargo
Indonesian System Dynamics Experts Association
Publication year: 2021


This book is a collection of thoughts from System Dynamics Experts from various scientific fields, making it an interesting discussion and can provide a big picture of system dynamics and their case studies. In accordance with its title, “System Dynamics for Sustainable Development”, it is expected to be a reference for dynamic system studies in implementing and implementing sustainable development in line with ASDI’s motto “… building Indonesia with the best scenario…”. This book can be completed because of the contributions from fellow authors throughout Indonesia and ASDI administrators who continue to monitor the progress of this book.