Dica Erly Andjarwati, Irman Firmansyah, FX. Hermawan Kusumartono, Adji Krisbandono
Andi Publisher, 200 Pages
Publication year: 2018


This book looks at the future of cities in Eastern Indonesia, a book published with the aim that readers can add insight into the current and future conditions of Indonesia, especially in Eastern Indonesia. The aspects studied include social, economic, environmental, institutional and regulatory aspects, and infrastructure.

The current population of the world is increasing very rapidly and is almost uncontrollable. This affects the policies that must be made by the government in order to guarantee the welfare of the people. Not only policies regarding the development of the city but also how the economy can grow well through the potential in the city.

Indonesia is an archipelago that has many natural phenomena in it. Therefore, the author will try to examine through research conducted in a number of places. The general objective of this study is to analyze the dynamics of urban development (historical and direction of development in the next 25 years) associated with 5 dimensions, namely social, economic, environmental, infrastructure, and institutional regulations. The final part of this book will produce a policy recommendation that contains a strategy to develop public work and public housing infrastructure that can drive growth in the city.




  • Looking at the Future of Cities in Eastern Indonesia