One of the agricultural public commodities in Indonesia which still can not fulfill the domestic consumption needs is soybean. The objectives of this research were: (i) to identify the suitable area for soybean plantation in paddy fields, (ii) to assess the development of soybeans in land use and socio-economic context, and (iii) to plan the spatial plantation of soybean. A land evaluation for soybean was completed. IKONOS imagery was analyzed to delineate paddy fields, while a dynamic system modelling was developed integrating physical and socio-economic aspects. The research results showed that the land suitability class for soybean plantation in the paddy fields in Karawang Regency ranged from not suitable (N) to suitable (S2), with limiting factors such as temperature, fertility, nutrients retention, slope, erosion, rooting media and toxicity. Very limited arable land has been used actually for soybeans plantation due to low economic returns. The model predicts that if the development of soybean continues in its business as usual path, a deficit of soybean will increase in 2030. The model provides alternative scenarios to reduce the deficit. Prioritization was done spatially using the suitable land gradually.