Irman Firmansyah, Widiatmaka, Bambang Pramudya, Sugeng Budiharsono
Journal AAB Bioflux. Vol. 8 1. 13-25
Publication year: 2016


Rice field has multifunctions, including maintaining the stability of hydrological functions (Citarum Watershed), prevent flooding, decrease erosion, provide employment, providing a unique and rustic appeal and defend the values of rural culture. Citarum Watershed located in West Java Province, where West Java has the largest contributed national producer of rice as much as 12,083,162 tons of national rice yields by 71,279,709 tonnes. Rice field in Citarum watershed has not sustainable status due to the high rate of land conversion, policy directives are need to clarity of spatial land use with regional regulations to control the rice field conversion, implementation of Sustainable food agricultural land which are owned by the government, opening transmigration area based on paddy field, develop many products from one product by utilizing waste from blue economy concept, so the paddy fields is still needed for other industry as input production.


  • rice field conversion
  • multidimensional scalling
  • sustanability analysis
  • productivity